How South Korea Brought Back Baseball

The United States is not the only country that is trying to find ways to bring back sporting events. Sports have been canceled across the globe, costing workers and companies millions of dollars. As the world hopes that the virus is dying down, it might pay for the US to take a look at how other countries are beginning to begin play successfully.
The Korea Baseball Organization will be one of the first sports leagues in the world to come back after the COVID-19 pandemic. As season play is about to begin, 10 KBO teams have been playing intrasquad scrimmages to get prepared. The empty stands serve as a constant reminder that things are a little different.
They plan to play their entire 144-game season, having play entering November after the league being postponed. Intrasquad scrimmages have allowed players to get used to not having any spectators in the stands.
“Most of the players are a bit worried and feeling awkward because they haven’t experienced this,” LG Twins catcher Kang Nam Yoo says. “I am personally sorry that there will be no sound of fans rooting for their teams, which usually gives so much power and energy to the players on the ground.”
Players have discussed how it has been tough to get in the right condition to play without the normal preseason workouts.
“It’s not easy getting in good condition since the season was delayed,” says SK Wyverns relief pitcher Jin-yong Seo. “So I try to get in 100% condition through practice and intrasquad games.”
When the coaches are getting close to instruct players, there are making sure to take precaution and always wear masks.
“I am worried about COVID-19,” says SK Wyverns assistant Kyung-Oan Park, left. “So I am trying to wear a mask even during practice or intrasquad games. Most coaches talk a lot with players.”
Rule Changes
The regular season has a few new rule changes to ensure the safety of the players. The players will not be allowed to spit, or high five other players to celebrate.
Umpires must wear masks and sanitary gloves at all times. Players and coaches are required to check their body temperature before entering the stadium each day.
One problem that the league could face is players testing positive for the virus. This could cause several more delays. They have said, if a player or coach tests positive for COVID-19, the league will be suspended for a minimum of three weeks.
The KBO will be able to showcase their talent through internet streaming, being the only baseball fans are able to watch. They are likely to get more attention now, even without fans in the stands, than they ever have before.
“Good luck to the whole world, including USA,” says Hee Jin Park, a KBO agent for Brion Company. “We didn’t know how precious everyday life is so far, but now we know. At least COVID left us this lesson. I hope to see MLB opening this season soon.”