Some NBA Practice Facilities Re-Opening

States around the country are starting the process of opening some businesses and loosening the stay-at-home policy. Hopefully, the coronavirus is on the downhill, and things will start to return to normal. Sports will be right along with this movement, and the NBA has been one of the first to start.
The NBA will be opening practice facilities in states that local restrictions will allow. Next week, players in Georgia and Texas can begin to return to practice facilities for individual workouts. However, teams will still be prohibited from holding group workouts or meeting as a team.
Commissioner Adam Silver is still unsure of the possibilities of when they will be able to play, but some new local policies are allowing for this step forward. Team executives have been trying to get their players back in team facilities as soon as possible. They believe, during this pandemic, that these environments are some of the safest possible.
Some GMs said they had players asking them if they could fly to Atlanta to work out in a gym with a basketball court.
“If our players can travel and play at a 24-Hour Fitness in Atlanta, they should be able to have access to our facilities,” one GM told ESPN.
Some players are living outside of their relative market during this break in play. This means it could be possible for teams to allow opposing players to work out in their facilities for a limited time.
Not All On Board
But not all GMs are so excited about this idea. There have been some expert medical opinions that go against the notion of re-opening businesses this soon, so they have expressed their concerns for the players’ safety.
The other issue with only some states opening their gyms would be the advantage those players would have. If only those who live in Georgia and Texas can practice, that could put them at an unfair advantage when, or if, play resumes.
“We have to pay close attention to the different rules state by state and city by city. But at the end of the day, we are a national league,” Silver said. “So we feel it is incumbent on us to set what we think are the right parameters for our players. We will be influenced by what municipalities do. But again, we’re taking in all data … you need consistent national standards.”
Silver has done a great job of being one of the most proactive leaders when it comes to reacting to the coronavirus. But he has also been an advocate of getting players back on the floor as soon as possible.
Professional athletes have been advocates for practicing social distancing and getting through this pandemic healthy. Many are starting to get to the point where they are ready to get back to playing.
Chris Paul of the Oklahoma City Thunder talked to local media.
“We just want to play,” Paul said. “We’re trying to figure out what that looks like. … Right now, I’m just focused on playing. Playing in some form or fashion.”