Poker News

New Rush Poker Game

rush pokerIf you hate having to sit around and wait for another hand to begin after folding, you will likely find your new home at Rush Poker tables featured only at Full Tilt Poker. With the ability to play more than 100 hands every hour (at least), you can experience the same amount of action while playing a single screen as multi-table enthusiasts enjoy while playing eight. Of course, you can also multi-table up to eight screens in Rush Poker as well if you simply can’t get enough action.

New Rush Poker Features

In essence, Rush Poker is the same game that you have become used to, Texas Holdem. the only major difference is that the game is set up to be much faster. Some more conservative poker players will not enjoy the game simply because there is no opportunity for careful player analysis over a period of several hands. In fact, you may not see the same player again for several hours, especially due to the popularity and increased traffic Full Tilt Poker has enjoyed since launching Rush Poker.

One of the key features that makes Rush Poker fun to play is the new “Quick Fold” option. With this option, you never have to wait for your turn to fold out of a hand and begin a new one. The rest of the table will not be able to tell that you have folded until it is actually your turn. By the time that happens, you may have already concluded another five hands of Rush Poker. Some other excellent features of Rush Poker at Full Tilt include:

  • You may choose to sit out hands with the simple click of a button if you need a break.
  • Overall tight play will allow an aggressive strategy to often make a killing.
  • Small blinds and position are assigned at random.
  • When multi-tabling, you will never play against yourself or the same opponent at multiple tables.

The Impact of Rush Poker

From many accounts, Rush Poker will likely become one of the hottest new poker games on the Internet. Even without multi-tabling, the action is so intense that you are forced to make very quick decisions to keep up with the pace. However, you can take up to the full hand timer to make a decision if you are stuck. With other players permitted to fold while you make your decision, it is unlikely that anyone will experience much down time at all when playing Rush Poker at Full Tilt.

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